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Is the Northern Virginia Market Performing Well?

There are many great Loudoun County area homes for sale. Click here to perform a full home search, or if you're thinking of selling your home,Click here for a FREE Home Price Evaluation so you know what buyers will pay for your home in today's market

Hey there, thanks for joining us today. I thought now would be a great time to send you another market update for Northern Virginia. 

We are finding a really interesting trend start to take hold here in Northern Virginia. Homes that are properly priced, prepared for the camera and marketed properly are selling rather quickly, within 2 weeks in most cases. 

If a home hasn't been prepared and priced properly, it sits on the market for a long time, sometimes for months. 

If you're thinking about buying a home, the interest rates are still very low. However, the Fed has promised that these rates won't last. Now is a great time to buy in Northern Virginia. 

If you have any questions for us, or are looking to buy or sell real estate in Northern Virginia, give us a quick call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you!